Deshika Prabhandam
When Swami Desikan returned to Srirangam after 12 years in Satyagalam, it was time for yearly utsavams when the entire Divya Prabandham are recited in 20 days. The first ten days the utsavam is during the day and for the next 10 days it is in the night. Since this utsavam was stopped for many years due to Muslim invasion, the orthodox people objected to recitation of Divya Prabandham since it is in Tamil and only Sanskrit vedas should be recited. They also objected to install vigrahas of Azhvars because they were just human beings and many of them were not even Brahmins. Swami Desikan argued with them at length proving that the divya prabandham is nothing but the essence of Vedas and Upanishads and the Azhvars are great devotees of Sriman Narayana and they are fit to be worshipped in side the temple. Finally the orthodox devotees agreed with Sri Desikan and the utsavam has been celebrated in a grand manner. Swami was pained to see the objections and to make sure no such problems in the future he has got the details of the utsavam written in a stone and installed in the temple.No other Acharya among the followers of Sri Ramanuja have fought for the rightful place for Divya Prabandham as did Swami Desikan. It was he who re established the recitation of Divya Prabanhdam in Srirangam and other temples.
Tamil poetic works of Sri Vedanta Desika.
- Amritaranjani
- Adhikaara Sangraham
- Amritasvaadini
- Paramapada Sopanam
- Meyviradanannilattu Maanmiyam (Tamil verses only)
- Paramata Bhangam (Tamil verses only)
- Adaikkalappattu
- Artha Panchakam
- Sri Vaishnava Dinachari
- Tirucchinnamalai
- Pannirunamam
- Tirumantra Churukku
- Dvaya Churukku
- Charamasloka Churukku
- Gitartha Sangraha
- Mummanikkovai
- Navamaṇimâlai
- Prabandha Saram
Sreenivasa Prasad.K.V.
President Coordination committee
Sree Venkatesha Sabha, Bangalore